Salvador Dali's, “Woman with Head of Roses” (1935)

Raphael Monti's “Veiled Lady” (1860)Wassily Kandinsky's “Composition 8” (1923)

Raphael Monti's “Veiled Lady” (1860)Raphael Monti's “Veiled Lady” (1860)

Inspired by Banksy's "Lovesick"

Inspired by Claude Monet's Blue Period

Inspired by Pablo Picasso's Cubist Period

Inspired Gustav Klimt's “Golden Tears” (date unknown)

Inspired by Rene Magritte's “The Son of Man” (1964)

Inspired by Johannes Vermeer's "Girl With The Pearl Earring" (1665)
As a lover and student of art history I wanted my final photography project of my undergraduate degree to reflect these passions by combining it with my newly found interest in creative studio portraiture. In preparation for shooting, I spent time researching recognizable and noteworthy artworks of the past. I planned out outfit styles related to the artworks I reference by selecting particular items of clothing and props that are related to the subject of the art that inspires it. By assembling these photographic recreations I hope that viewers can visually recognize the works of art I choose to emulate without the original artwork present. I hope that through this project my photographs can bring awareness back to the past artworks and allow the viewer to relate historical contexts to elements of present day society and culture.